For those of you who haven't heard, my boyfriend and I bought a house a few months ago, and moved in right before Thanksgiving. This weekend, we finally got around to hanging our first picture! "Why haven't you hung any pictures?" you may be thinking to yourself. WELL, lovely readers, we are getting insulation blown into the walls in February. My said boyfriend is CONVINCED that any nails in any pictures hung in any walls of the house will simultaneously FLY out of the walls when the insulation is blown in. Now, I am no insulation blower, but I am pretty sure that this will not happen, particularly on the interior walls that aren't even being insulated. But, I know when to pick my battles. You see, if I gave in on this picture hanging battle I got to pick our new kitchen sink faucet. More on that later. Also, we did decide to hang one single solitary picture after all.
Of course, the man had to run out and buy a stud finder just for this occasion. Here he is figuring out where the studs are.
Of course, I had to take a series of awkward photos demonstrating how I would prefer to use a stud finder. In case you are wondering, all you really have to do is hold it up to your man's chest and say BEEP BEEP BEEP until he tells you to shut it and stop getting in his way.
Here is the wall next to our front door looking sad and very, very empty.
And here it is afterwards. Cute, right? What is most impressive is that he picked the photos and frame, printed them and wrapped it all up to give me for Christmas. I may or may not have shed a tear. I also may or may not be the world's biggest sap.
Here I am posing with our first picture, in my very flattering and sexy outfit of sweatpants and stained sweatshirt. I also may or may not have showered at this point. Ain't no shame in my game!
- Mary
- Mary
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